Like an arthritic finger or a chronically pulled groin, HE SCORE, HE SHOOT RADIO is back to nag you enough to listen to it and not join everyone in the above ground pool in these dog-days of summer. You know, you're not a kid anymore, and it gets kinda rowdy in there. Really, you just don't want to risk it.
The sixth edition of the podcast is heavily indebted to guys like Marconi, Edison, and you, because without the first two guys, I wouldn't have a computer, and without you and your sent in questions, the show would have been just 7 minutes long. On second thought, maybe I shouldn't speak so soon.
Moose and I haven't been doing much podcasting this summer. We've been busy beta testing our newest HS/HS spinoff product: video games. Specifically, games for the SNES. With 90's bands like Blur and Elastica so in vogue again, we here at HS/HS want to be on the cusp of the 90's nostalgia wave.
Here's a screenshot of the game we're testing right now. It's called "HE SCORE, HE SHOOT: HELL BEASTS OF INFINITY". I know, I know, awesome, right?

We hope to be on store shelves by Christmas.

damn, i just got to work, and now all i want to do is go home and listen to the podcast. it's going to be a long, long, long monday...
2 jackets? You godamned GDCSer -
If I'm on the receiving end all I'm thinking is Lady Byng?
Dort -
Moose: "Lady Bing"? "Gentle Pavel Datsyuk"? Ahh hahahahahahaha! Thats gold.
But I gotta say, I think you forgot about the other half of the team that isn't Swedish. What about tender Darren McCarty? That guy looks like he eats babies for breakfast.
Thanks for the shout-out guys. The podcast was a Beauty start to a Monday.
The whole undertones thing is definetly gone.
Whats with all the gay?
Oh that was golden boys. Absolutely golden. Why Jungle Love? Did you really question one of the greatest jams ever of all time?
thank you moose for your serenade. my life will never be the same.
my resume was in the trash?! wtf. Thanks for digging it out Greener.
"Nic Lidstrom--smooooth" awesome.
Moose – How do you know Pavel Datsuyk is a gentle lover? Don’t you know that it’s always the nice ones that are the freaks in the bedroom? Beware.
Greener - John Rambo is awesome, but that makes me sad that you’d want to hurt Gretzky! Jerk!
P.S. Thanks for the nod.
Uh, Dave, that was Moose putting it IN the garbage. remember? The bitchslap? It still applies.
Connie: If Gretz had done to you what he did to us -by cheating- in '93, you'd be in line for his shanking ahead of me.
Why did no one adress my question WHY!??!?!?!?
I feel so alone
Hey, I'm from LA, I love a good shanking. Just not Gretzky.
Are you guys really jacked like that... and throw balls of... green slime?
Dani, we wanted the game experience to be as real as possible.
Thanks guys - all your questions were great.
Keep 'em coming.
This. Was. Amazing.
Much thanks to Wrap Around Curl for the link, and the most amazing question ever.
This. Was. Amazing.
Much thanks to Wrap Around Curl for the link, and the most amazing question ever.
Welcome Dylan! Thanks so much for your words.
HAHAHAHA I just listened to the podcast. I specifically added in the caveat that my question was based on whether or not Moreau was actually still an Oiler.
And yes, Blackburn beating Everton in the last minute was awesome.
So...when's the next podcast?
HAHAHAHA I just listened to the podcast. I specifically added in the caveat that my question was based on whether or not Moreau was actually still an Oiler.
And yes, Blackburn beating Everton in the last minute was awesome.
So...when's the next podcast?
PPP: Please, don't ever say that.
Also P3, I F'd up the question and tried to rescind it based on your wishes, but Moose decided to attack you anyway.
It's v, v late, but whateeevvv.
Awesome job, as per usual, guys. WAC's question definitely brought back the lulz.
You should end every podcast with karaoke. If you do, I want to see Goodbye Horses by Q Lazarus done. Maybe Moose on lead vocals, Greener with the "Oh-hoo"s. Oh yes.
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